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Below are our permanent committees, committee descriptions, and how to join. Commissioners and all residents are welcome to serve on our committees. The Commission Chair is a defacto member of all committees. 

Committee Descriptions and How to Join
  • Please use our contact form to let us know you if are interested in joining a committee

  • The Chairperson may appoint non-members to Commission committees, subject to approval by a majority vote of the Commission members. Non-member appointed shall have full voting privileges in all proceedings of the committee to which they are appointed. The number of non-members on any committee shall not exceed the number of Commission members appointed.

  • Committee members shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson and their appointments shall expire at the next annual meeting.

By-Laws and Elections

The Bylaws Committee shall review the Commission Bylaws and make changes based on the Commission needs, shall conduct elections pursuant to the commission's election rules, and shall meet as often as necessary to fulfill its duties as specified in the Bylaws.

Education and Youth

*Committee Description in Progress*

Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Committee reviews Code Enforcement requests and follows up with the Community Liaison when necessary and shall meet as often as necessary to fulfill its duties.


The Outreach Committees goals are to advance the organization’s mission by enhancing its visibility and engagement with the community. The committee’s primary responsibilities include developing and implementing outreach strategies to promote the organization’s programs and services, fostering relationships with external stakeholders, and increasing community involvement.


The Zoning Committee is responsible for reviewing all zoning requests and applications. After thorough evaluation, the Committee will present its recommendations to the full Commission. The Committee will convene monthly, or as necessary, to ensure timely and effective review of zoning matters.

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