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Welcome to the

The Greater South East Area Commission is a resident-based board that affords additional voluntary citizen participation in decision making in an advisory capacity to the City of Columbus, respectively, and  facilitates communication, understanding, and cooperation between neighborhood groups, city officials, and developers for the betterment of the Greater South East

Partner With US

Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Partner with us and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our community, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

Connect With US

To stay up-to-date, follow us on one of our Social Media Pages or fill out the Contact Form by clicking the arrow below and tell us that you would like to be added to our Email List!

Our Community 

Wanna know more about our businesses, coalitions, community partners, and the City of Columbus? Click the arrow below to find out more info!

Get Involved!

Head on over to our Contact Us page by clicking the arrow below and fill out the contact form! We'll get in contact as soon as we can to see how you can get involved! in the mean time, you can learn about our community, who serves on our commission, our committees, and what we've been up to on our social media

Proud Member of the Greater Eastside Coalition

General Meeting Information

The Greater South East Area Commission holds meetings in-person on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at the Far East Neighborhood Pride Center. Below is information on how to stay up-to-date as well as participate. 


  • Please follow us on our Facebook page as well as signing up for our email list by going to Contact Us and filling out the contact form

  • All Meetings will be posted in the City Bulletin as well as on our Social Media and through our Email Blasts

  • Monthly Meeting Agendas will be included on our meeting posting

  • To participate, you must be present at the meeting and fill out a speaker slip upon arrival. If you cannot be present but would like to provide testimony on an issue or share a concern, you can do so by clicking speaker slip and filling out the form. 

Facebook Page and Feed
Covid-19 Information
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